What Women Are Saying


Bobbi Jo Heagy possesses all the skills and abilities necessary to be an outstanding mentor and coach.

She knows her stuff and her ability to recognize and discern both strengths and weaknesses in her clients enable her to come along side to capitalize on strengths and turn what might be seen as weaknesses into assets.

She is loyal, caring, attentive, and possesses unusual wisdom. She has the tools to take you from where you are to beyond what you imagined yourself capable.

If you have the opportunity to engage Bobbi Jo as mentor or coach, the investment will be well worth the effort and expenses. You will be thrilled with the progress you will make and the goals you set.

Don’t miss the chance to experience her talents and gifts.

Carol Bayne

Pastor and Blogger

Bobbi Jo has been a wonderful mentor throughout my life.

Her wisdom, grace and knowledge has always provided me with stellar direction so that I may become the best version of me possible. Working with her and having her work with my team on our Color Code Personalities has helped us all communicate better, work together in harmony and grow our business individually and as a whole. Not to mention simply improving our relationship by having better understanding of our own and of another’s communication style.

I would recommend Bobbi Jo to anyone seeking a compassionate life coach that leads from a strong sense of faith and foundational beliefs. She will certainly help you grow as a person as you will discover your worth and value.

Dustina Daniels

Health & Fitness Coach

Bobbi Jo’s influence in my life as a friend and mentor has been invaluable.

I can confidently say she has played a crucial part in my growth and development and without her, I would not be the woman I am today. Her ability to see my worth and God given gifts not only helped me to see them in myself, but it also breathed life into them. She has a beautiful gift to meet you where you are at while simultaneously reflecting all that you have to offer.

I have watched her graciously impact countless lives, and I am forever grateful that her iron sharpens mine. Whether you are looking for a personal or professional coach, Bobbi is gifted in helping you clearly define your purpose, outline your direction and empowering you to take your life to the next level.

Sara Hollandsworth