Your Life Has A Divine Plan & Purpose


“I’ll never have the opportunity to live this day again.”


When I heard that statement for the first time, it stopped me dead in my tracks.

As a child, I’m sure you loved magic and dreams as most children do. I’m not sure if at some point in your life you stopped chasing your dreams and forgot what it feels like to live hopeful and alive.

Is your life marked by regrets? Maybe you’ve learned to push through. Do you realize that what’s happened in your life, including your mistakes, pains, and disappointments has the potential to have happened “for you” instead of “to you”? What if you could learn how to use those life experience for a greater good, bigger that yourself? By God’s grace and help I believe He is faithful and will take you up for furthering His glory if you ask.

“The best way to predict your future

is to create it”

It is imperative to the quality of your life that you have dreams and goals for your life! It is equally important to be intentional about the direction of your life. Why let life just happen to you when you have the choice in making life happen for you the way God wants.

I know life can throw us curve balls and we can’t control everything and everybody around us, but you’ll learn that it’s much more predictable when you take responsibility and control of your own life in setting goals for it. It’s often easy to let others control your life. It’s possible you’ve allowed others to lead your life for so long instead of living the life God called you to live.

I believe the Lord, when he says he has a plan for you, plans to prosper and not harm you. Those plans of His are to give you a hope and a future! Many will come along throughout your life, thinking they have the perfect plan for your life, but they are not God! It’s imperative you say no to them and say yes to His plan for your life!

A goal is just a dream

without a plan

Goal setting focuses your energy and purposes. As you see progress, you will feel happiness come over you which will empower you. In contributing to life at a greater capacity bringing with it a momentum and ripple affect you will move towards being more balanced in all parts of your life.

Goals stretch your faith! The greater the dream the greater risk but with it, your faith muscle grows as you trust God for the outcome. You may fall but as long as you don’t give up, you won’t fail. As you become appreciative of the falls knowing it is just part of the process you’ll learn it lends itself the opportunity for building character, for reflection, for learning and growth which equals success!

It’s more about what happens to you on the journey that the goals you obtain. It’s who you become, what changes you make, the character you build, and the more Christ-like you become. You won’t take your achievements, certificates, honors, accomplishments, and awards with you to heaven.

Setting goals is a spiritual discipline. It’s an act of worship; it shows your stewardship for the gifts of life He’s given you, and it’s a way to give back to Him.

There is an exciting truth; dreams don’t cost you anything!


Rick Warren lists the three ways we can use our life:


Do you desire to set out to accomplish great things that will outlast you? You are never to old and never to young! Age means nothing when you have passion towards fulfilling a mission you believe God can use you for.

When you accomplish your dreams, you get to feel the fulfillment of being the first to see it come to fruition. Even greater is the joy in the sharing of your accomplishments with the rest of the world, specifically your world, those you love and care about.

I know you want to set the example to them that anything is possible when you put your mind to it. What joy it will be when you’ve inspired them to go after the dreams God has put in their hearts. In watching you go after your dreams, they will learn that others have no say in who they can and can’t be. I am confident you want them to know what it’s like to feel alive when they are seeking after their own dreams, with purpose!

It’s been stated that we won’t regret the things we’ve done, but we will regret the things we didn’t do when we had the chance.

Will you promise yourself, from this day forward, to make the most of your life by dreaming big dreams according to God’s plan and purpose for your life?